
Pompeii's Last Day


  On a hot summer’s day in the bustling mountain town of Pompeii ,holidaymakers and villagers alike were enjoying the pleasures of the city. It was the day of the festival for Vulcan, the Roman god of fire.

  Some 20,000 men, women, and children were behaving as they would on any other festive day—working, relaxing around their vacation homes, going to the public baths, strolling through the city's

marketplace, or lunching in one of the many restaurants in town.

  With everything going on, no one took much notice that the springs and wells had dried up because this was common in late August. Small tremors had been shaking the place for four days, but that was in

the norm, too.

  Suddenly, the mountain came to life. An enormous umbrella-shaped cloud of ash shot out of the volcano and then fell over the mountain and the surrounding villages. When the eruption

ended, everything was covered in several meters of ash. Those who couldn't escape perished.

  Most of what is known of the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius on August 24, 79 AD comes from the writings of Pliny the Younger. From his uncle's house about 35 km from Mt.

  Vesuvius, Pliny witnessed the destruction firsthand. In two letters, Pliny described in detail the earthquakes before the eruption, the giant cloud of ash that shot into the air, a tsunami, and the effect on the people living around Vesuvius.

  The entire event lasted some 19 hours. In the end, the city of Pompeii was buried underneath three meters of ash. Its location was forgotten and it was not until over 1,500 years later that it was


  大多數為人所知的西元79824日 知名的維蘇威火山爆發的詳情,乃由小蒲林尼所撰寫。
  整個過程持續了19個小時。最終,龐貝城被掩埋在 3公尺 深的灰燼裡。沒有人知道它的確切位置,直到1,500 年後才被重新發現。


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